Of course having a laparoscopic surgery (closed surgery or laser surgery, with patients’ words) has some advantages for a young patient with a dermoid cyst diameter of lower than 10cm.

You can be discharged from the hospital one day earlier and its cosmetic results are better. But having an open surgery doesn’t mean the end of the world. And the incision made in the context of cosmetics is similar to a caesarean incision.

Remember, actually open or closed does not make difference because the surgery done inside is the same.

The important point or points can be listed as follows: protecting the ovary as mush as possible, preventing the cyst’s contents from being discharged into the abdomen as much as possible during that operation, and washing the relevant abdominal area with plenty of fluids if it is discharged accidenty.

Although laparoscopic surgery has serious advantages specific to it, sometimes it may have also some disadvantages. During laparoscopic surgery, we deliver carbon dioxide gas into the abdomen. Bodies of a group of people absorb this gas much faster, and this may cause post-operative discomforts. But these are temporary difficulties, which are eliminated when the patient stands up and begins to move within a short time after the surgery.

Eventually, the most important point is that a surgery is a surgery, and risks are eternal. We may do hundreds of surgeries, but probably, you will have a surgery only one time in your life, and all these interventions carry ceratin risks.

As long as certain rules are obeyed, surgeries intended for dermoid cyst are safe surgeries. There is no point to insist on persuading you to do something in a certain way. Our task is to give you honest and unbiased information about the both surgical techniques.

Every surgeon prefers certain surgical techniques within the scope of his/her education and experiences. My choice is laparoscopic, in accordance with the rules that I listed above.
